June 14th, 2021![]() | |
First of all, thank you for supporting our campaign so far. When I started this campaign, I had no idea how much support I would receive. I’ve been overwhelmed and heartened by the number of people in Ward 13 who are passionate about fighting for positive change. So, whether you have volunteered with us, donated the crucial funds to get this campaign off the ground, supported me in the caucus process, or talked to your friends or family about the need for structural public safety reform, I’m incredibly grateful. As you may have heard, the virtual Ward DFL caucus process wrapped up last week and the DFL endorsements were announced. Our current Council Member, Linea Palmisano, received the endorsement with 67.7% of the delegate votes. I sincerely congratulate Council Member Palmisano and her team for the hard work they put into their caucus campaigning. I also have deep respect and gratitude for Minneapolis DFL Chair Devin Hogan, and all of the volunteers, who pulled off an incredibly complex process in a completely new format in a short amount of time. I know many of you were not able to participate as you would have liked, and I take responsibility for not communicating more clearly about the process. We have all learned a lot of lessons from this process that we will take with us through November and beyond. So, what’s next for our campaign?I decided to run for City Council in Ward 13 because our city is in a critical moment. Both Minneapolis residents and people around the world are watching what our city’s leaders will do next. Will we meet this moment and push for real, structural public safety reform? Will we finally make the significant investments in affordable housing, public transit, green infrastructure, and other crucial services that will reduce the unacceptable racial disparities in Minneapolis? I started my campaign because Council Member Palmisano has repeatedly attempted to obstruct significant reforms in favor of the status quo. Ward 13 residents deserve another choice. That’s why I’ve said from the beginning that I will not abide by the DFL endorsement process and will continue this campaign through the election in November. Receiving the DFL endorsement comes with significant advantages, including access to party resources. But, winning the general election without the DFL endorsement is completely possible and has happened many times before. I still can and will run as a member of the DFL party. All this means is that we need to work harder. After only a couple of months of focused campaigning, we were able to get more than 30% of delegate votes against a seven-year incumbent in a complex online process. Imagine what we can do before everyone gets a vote in November. So, if you want to continue with us in this fight to meet the moment in Minneapolis, please donate, sign up to volunteer, or endorse our campaign. I can only do this with your help. | |
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A note on the Mpls DFL City Caucuses:While the ward caucus process is over, the city caucuses are ongoing. If we are going to make big progressive changes in Ward 13, we will need strong partners to support us in the Mayor’s Office, Park Board, and the Board of Estimation and Taxation. If you are a city delegate, please remember to fill out your ballot before midnight on Tuesday, June 15th. If you haven’t yet decided which candidates to support, I recommend ranking the following highly-qualified candidates who share our vision for a more just and equitable Minneapolis:
If you have already submitted your ballot and have since changed your mind, you can submit it again. The most recent ballot submitted before midnight on Tuesday will be the one that counts. Just make sure you submit your ballot no later than 11:59pm Tuesday June 15th. Thank you again for your support as we work to build our campaign, and be on the lookout for upcoming events. On to November. |